
Sing A Song of Howard Dean -- or, please God, don't! This one's from The Namesake himself, people, and The Weekly Standard, on the revival of the campaign song. Witness songsfordean.com, a collection of decidedly "A Mighty Wind"-esque numbers described in the article as nearly unbearably, well, white: "From coffeehouse bluesmen who over-enunciate every whitebread word, to hot blasts of undiluted folk so earnest that it could make the Weavers cry uncle, the songs are by and for white people." Eeep.

I'll leave it to you to determine the relative funkiness for yourself, but this certainly ties in to Al Sharpton's attack on Dean at the last debate re: Dean's lack of minority hiring while governor of a nearly-all-white state. Salon has an excellent article on this and what it means for the Democrats' relationship with black voters in general this time around -- get the day pass to read it.

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