
Bonus Republican Hypocrisy Points! Today's Daily Outrage deals with Candidate Schwarzen-grabber's string of crude assaults on women...including a way-TMI explanation of the "bizarre vagina request" that had Jon Stewart stymied on The Daily Show last night...y-i-c-k. There's also a blurb on Rush "To the Head" Limbaugh's various tawdry problems...heh.

But uh-oh, might there also be some Dem Hypocrisy going on? It appears that Wesley Clark might still be on the payroll as a lobbyist, not to mention he's also a board member and big shareholder, in Acxiom Corp., a "data integration" company that keeps consumer records on pretty much every single adult American...and they won a big contact, thanks to Clark, after 9/11 to help develop an airline passenger screening system, as part of the much maligned CAPPS initative. Eeeep, that doesn't look so good. OTOH, nobody gives a damn about Cheney and Halliburton...oh god, have our standards sunk that low?

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