
It's time for a few Gratuitous Media Recommendations (*cue Letterman-style theme music here*)...besides my plug for "Kill Bill" earlier today. Which reminds me, I finally saw "School of Rock" too, which was hi-la-ri-ous and fully showcased the musical and comic stylings (not to mention well-toned calves) of the adorable Jack Black. Anyway, on to Calexico, whose latest CD "Feast of Wire" was on heavy rotation in my kitchen yesterday (while I was cooking up some delicious Chicken Varitek...but that's another story). It's sort of...Cake meets Wilco and forms a mariachi band. Good stuff. Over in TV Land, I am now hooked on the BBC show "The Office," a very black comedy that sort of takes off from "Office Space," with a dash of Kafka. Sadly it will soon join "Coupling," "Faking It" and "Changing Rooms" in the pantheon of BBC hits that NBC will water down and pawn off in a flimsy American version, feh.

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