
McDonalds: I'm lovin' it. Croak. -- I just love these "there's a _______ in my food!" stories, and this one is not only local, it features a strange twist. The poor woman who found a live, 2-inch toad in her McD's salad was asked by the health department to keep the salad and the toad for a week until the health inspector came back from vacation. They kept the toad alive in a plastic container in their yard! Don't they have a lab or something for things like this? I think this might pose a problem for the ol' chain of evidence. Sheesh.


Nathaniel Woodward said...

Have you seen the latest McD's TV commercial for their salads? SCENE: office kitchen. Coworker 1 asks Coworker 2 to 'watch her salad' while she steps out of the kitchen for a minute. Coworker 2 agrees. CW2 sits at the kitchen table, takes one glance at the salad, and is so tempted, she immediately begins to eat the salad, noting the hot chicken and Newman's Own dressing. She eats the whole salad, and sneaks off. She is just turning a corner, with a guilty look on her face, as CW1 discovers her empty salad bowl and complains with another Coworker 3. First of all, what kind of office does CW1 work in where she asks someone to stand guard over her unattended salad? Apparently CW2 has some kind of impulse control problem, because sane adults are able to resist eating food that doesn't belong to them. As you would say: "late night at the story conference!"

emily said...

yeah, that's a good message to send: buy our product, it's so good your coworkers will steal it! :P maybe a well-placed toad is in order...