
What privacy? I somehow think the Kobe Bryant scandal is a bigger story out on the west coast, but then again the United States of Online Chat-Poll Cable McNews (TM) is a somewhat borderless place these days. Is the policy of "legitimate" news media to withold Bryant's accuser's name a quaint and pointless nicety, given that every other detail about her is readily available online, on the radio, and on TV thanks to less scrupulous journos and the woman's every childhood acquaintance and ex-boyfriend? What of the judge in the criminal case -- is his threat to the media (reveal her name and be barred from the courtroom) a constitutional problem, or just lame? There are a lot of moaning academics interviewed in this Times article, including one from NYU who uttered this gem: "With all due respect to Kobe Bryant, it is not a major news story." Um, I think he means, with all due respect to the woman pressing the charges, right? Or should we all be apologizing to Kobe for covering this little incident at all? Surely that's the attitude the defense lawyers would like to see. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. In other news, sweet sweet Nutella will not renew its endorsement deal with Kobe...I wonder if he got all the Nutella he wanted...i guess even alleged crime doesn't pay.

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