
Billy Bragg sang, "Mixing pop and politics, he asks me what the use is/I offer him embarrassment and my usual excuses." Hmmmm. That said, check out the probing of this unholy blend over at Progressive Review, where the following explanation appears for this awful link:

HBO'S NEW SERIES, 'K STREET,' confirms our long held belief that America is in the midst of an era driven by myth rather than reality, a new Middle Ages with MSNBC and Fox playing the role of the church. It is a time in which Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez seem strangely more real than the Bennifer politics of Wesley Clark, George Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hillary Clinton. As part of our continuing service, therefore, we shall report on Bennifer as a model of reality towards which our politicians and media can strive.

Wow. All sarcasm aside (for the moment), and in preparation for the day we lay the cornerstone to the USA Patriot's Cathedral of FoxNewsCorp., I actually enjoyed K Street quite a bit on Sunday night, and not just because it featured Howard Dean "as himself" (duh). I think they should dump the fake embedded personal storylines altogether, though, and just film what happens when the real politicos react to a fake political problem, as with the whole Dean debate prep issue. Stay tuned...just not to E!.

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