
Think positive. Posted by Hello In the wake of last night's ridiculous Electoral College showdown, and Kerry's disheartening concession today, I've decided to focus on the few bright spots to be found. One is Barack Obama (that's him and family above) and his decisive Senate win in Illinois: a progressive voice with real potential, that's a good thing. Josh Marshall over at Talking Points Memo has a dose of reality and optimism (!) for Dems today: "The other side just got the the ball a yard or two into our side of the field rather than the reverse. And we have to deal with the serious consequences of that. Tomorrow's the day to start. " Yeah! And if you're not quite up to that kind of action yet, check out Mr. Sun and his slightly insane post-election recommendations.

UPDATE: If you're in the mood for some black, black humor, try the legendary Guerilla Girls and their "Advantages of Another Bush Presidency." Ouch!

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