
It's time for the first Roadside Sightings of 2007 -- and thanks to the Hubster we have a fresh one from this very morning!

* On the road to Westford on this sleety quasi-holiday (not to diss Dr. King, but those of us in the private sector hafta work today), Nat spotted a panel van emblazoned with the following: "ANGEL VIEW PET CEMETERY, Where Caring Makes The Difference." Awww, that's sweet. But...what could they use that van for besides, um, pickups?

* Stopped at a red light on Alewife Brook Parkway, I glanced over to the car heading in the opposite direction, trapped in evening commuter traffic. At the wheel of a black VW Beetle, a greybearded Cambridge type dude was kicking back and playing the harmonica. Yes, really.

* Following behind an electrician in a covered mini-pickup in Belmont, I notice that his VETERANS FOR BUSH bumper sticker has been graced with a big black X of electrical tape over the "FOR." Word.

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