
Miss Kim has revived the Friday Five today, with a roundup of year-end questions. Hmmm, glancing at the calendar, I note that there are only 2 more Fridays in 2004...Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Oh my.

What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before? Ate a Scotch Egg, and watched Ben Affleck make a fool of himself in person, at the DNC. In the remaining 14 days of '04, I hope to learn a little stick-shiftin', if ya know what I mean.
What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? A fabulous new job, a book contract....ummm, and maybe one of these?
Did anyone close to you give birth? Like it's going out of style: Aden and Isaac, plus the Henry twins, and next year brings Romeo/Beatrice, Baby Chapman, Baby Tran #2, Baby Matteo, and so forth. Fertile times...
Did anyone close to you die? No. Wow.
What countries did you visit? Just the good old US of A...unless Austin counts as another country? ;-)

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